Monday, July 16, 2012

Manic Monday. Manic Week.

I don't know if it's just me trying to squeeze the last drops out of summer... but holy heck, time FLIES.  I am simultaneously exhausted and revved up all the time.  Is it me or is there just never enough time in the world?!

I've still got a big old pile of questions to answer (mostly ones that require photos, which is why I'm procrastinating)... and it's not even 7 am on Monday and I know this week is going to be insanely busy.  C'est la vie!!

Sarah said…
Do you know how many kids you want? Have your and Mr. RH talked about? When/if you do have kids, do you want to be a stay at home mom?

Oh man, this is a tough question!!  I have an idea, but it's hard to put an answer to something that I haven't done yet.  Mr. RH and I have discussed children, mostly because I have always wanted to be a mother and it's something that is very important to me.  

In a perfect world, I could have somewhere between 2-4 kids.  Obviously, having kids is expensive and providing a good life for them will be important.  So that's a bridge we'll have to cross when we come to it!

I think, in theory, I would love to be a stay-at-home-mom.  I think every woman, in part, dreams of that.  I'm just not sure I could ever really stay at home.  Knowing myself, I would worry far too much about money - and that would make me miserable.  I might try it out someday, we'll see.

Jennie asked…
Do you think you and Mr. RH are going to tie the knot anytime soon? What kind of engagement ring do you want if/when you do get engaged?? :)

Define soon.  Mr. RH and I have discussed marriage and rings.  I mean, is there a ring I wouldn't want from Mr. RH?  Nope, I'd take the ugliest, gaudiest, heart-shaped clunky-gold ring if he gave it to me.  

That being said, I love a ring with a "halo" of diamonds around it and I love a uniquely-shaped ring. 

Aly said…
When are you getting married and can I plan your wedding? 

I certainly don't have a date set in stone (or even in sand) but it's going to be at least a year from now.  And yes, can you come to Indiana?  I'm definitely going to need a coordinator - and I have NO clue how to find one.  Oh man, aren't you all just DYING for the non-stop wedding posts?  It's gonna be a fun year!

Sarahviz asked…
Got one! So how many nights a week do you and Mr. RH have "sleepovers"? (You totally take me back to my pre-children, dating hubby days. Enjoy it!!!)

Soo, much to Mr. RH's disappointment (or probably not, cause I am a terrible sleeper!), we don't really do sleepovers.  Since I live with my dad, I come home - every night.  No exceptions.  Being from a big Catholic family... sleepovers don't exist.  And it (somtimes, just a little bit)  stinks!!  But ya know what??  It leaves a LOT to look forward to in the future.

And it's not like we've NEVER had a sleepover.  It's just not a regular thing.

And, thanks to fabulous blogs like Sarah's, I can vicariously love on their kids and hold out a few years on the whole kids thing... even though a squishy baby sounds really fun (minus the crying and diapers... hey, lucky for us RH's sisters are both pregnant!).  

What's the most scandalous thing you & Mr. RH have done? How does your Dad feel about sleep-overs?

Most scandalous thing... god, I have no clue??  Truly.  Despite my filthy-sailor mouth, I am a good girl.  Maybe Mr. RH needs to answer this?  Well, to be honest, when Mr. RH and I went to our first wedding together last August - I may have lied to my dad and told him I was going by myself.  And then brought Mr. RH.  Oops?

As for sleepovers... see the last question.  Not happening!


Man, are we tired of the Q&A yet??  These posts are pretty dang word-dense, I guess I should really try and take some pictures.

I have to work on Monday morning... woof.  Hats off to all the regular Monday-morning workers.  I'll take my Monday evenings any week!!

 Happy Monday!!


  1. No "sleepovers", really?! Like ever?!
    You are not 16 years old anymore, I think it's really weird that your dad won't let you do what you want! (But maybe I have misunderstood what you mean, maybe you don't want to do "sleepovers"!)

  2. I can understand where you're coming from Mary... but I find it a little strange that, even as an adult living with my dad, I would assert my independence by sleeping over with my boyfriend....
    if it were a big issue, I would clearly move out.

    And what kind of dad would be just fine and dandy with his unmarried "little" girl (no matter her age) sleeping over with her boyfriend?? Maybe it's my Catholic upbringing, but I certainly don't hold a grudge for that one.

  3. What is this obsession with sleepovers! As another "good girl" I totally get it....that was a big no no in my house too! And I must say I cannot wait for you to talk wedding planning....someday of course!

  4. I totally agree with you Sarah! I would never think to have SLEEPOVERS when living with my family..we are catholic as well..and even if they didn't would just be weird..I would feel funny.....there's a time and a place...

  5. With you regarding sleepovers -- my boyfriend and I have been together for two years, I'm 26 and still living at home (he has his own place), and I still feel 1,009,097 shades of awkward when telling my parents I'm staying over with him. I do -- usually when we have to be up early to go somewhere -- but the other times? I'm home every night. (Though we often vacation together, go away for the weekend, etc. -- but somehow that doesn't make me uncomfortable? I don't know.)

    I like living at home (for now), and not spending nights together definitely gives us lots to look forward to. It doesn't really bother me, aside from driving home tired sometimes... and I'm looking forward to getting engaged and living together, when everything will be fresh and exciting. That might not win me any friends here, but that's how I feel... everyone makes their own decisions, so don't let anyone make you feel guilty about yours! :) (I know you don't!)

  6. Every woman wants to be a stay at home mom? Are you kidding me? Not even close.

  7. I love how honest you are being with this questions. I would be ten shades of red! Ha!

  8. I love these posts - and I have to say, Joel and I never slept in the same room when I was living at home either - and I still think it would be weird now....and we live together!

    I had a catholic upbringing too, and while my parents love Joel and we've been together for almost 6 years, it's more about how uncomfortable it makes ME.

  9. Loving these! I will so come to Indiana!

  10. i once told the hubs before we got engaged that if he proposed with a heart-shaped diamond, i'd throw it at him =)

  11. Honestly, I think it's really sweet and respectful that you don't have sleepovers right now. This is coming from someone who came from a very (too?) easy-going family. Sometimes, limits are a good thing.

  12. Can we talk about how all the comments have become a debate of sleepovers vs not sleepovers? Why don't we all say "to each their own" and calm down already? I am sure Sarah would appreciate it. So Sarah, it's cool that you go home every night from mr. RH's. Maybe we would do the same thing and maybe we would not :)

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