Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wine Wednesday: Something Different

First of all, I'd just like to apologize right here and now because my wine Wednesday posts have gotten SOO lame.  For once, I actually have all kinds of different wine and such to drink... but I have run out of ideas for photographing it.

I swear, next time, I'm going to up my game.  PROMISE.  Probably.

This week's wine is probably not so much a wine as it is a wine product.  You can tell not only from the alcohol content but also from the screw top.  Which is why I was baffled when Mr. RH totally turned up his nose at it.  I'm not sure I'm ever going to get him on board with wine, but ladies, I WILL DIE TRYING.

Although probably it would be more of a murder-homicide situation. 

This weeks' "wine" was a pre-made sangria.  I've made sangria in the past, but I've never had one straight out of the bottle before.

It was good - sweet and light and refreshing - but now I'm wishing that I had taken 2 minutes to throw some fruit in there.  That probably would have been way yummy.

Regardless, it was a delicious little bottle and got my brain excited to make some homemade sangria coming up.  Is it peach season yet??  YUM.

Happy Wine Wednesday!!  What are YOU drinking?


  1. Sounds good with some fruit in there! Have you tried any of the Skinnygirl products yet?

  2. Ever tried Housewife Sangria? Any white wine, with whatever fresh/frozen fruit you have (I keep frozen blueberries and raspberries on hand, but frozen grapes would be good, too) and a splash of club soda. YUM!

  3. I think I saw this at Trader Joe's!! Must check it out :)
