Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

As I promised on Monday, we've got a Big Prize on the line here today.... $25 big ones to Target, also known as Heaven.

(Weird side note: I swear on all that is holy that I bought a $25 Target gift card yesterday and stuck it in my wallet.  Just went to go grab it... and it's not in my wallet.  Is this real life?)

Anyway, please, for the love of blogging, ask me anything.  The more awkward and personal the better.

(Unfortunately, not sponsored by Target or anyone affiliated with them.  If Target wants to sponsor my life, all they have to do is ask.)

You have until next Wednesday to win.... just ask me anything!


  1. who's on your laminated list? and i swear if you do not get this friends reference i cannot be friends with you. jk.

  2. I stumbled across your blog today and figured, hey what the heck, why not give it a shot. $25 to Heaven? Worth a try! Sooo, here goes: since your blog name is "Classy and Fabulous" tell us about a season of your life (holla middle school) when you were at your most unclassy and awkward. -Sarah

  3. Ok. I don't want to be all weird or stalkerish, but I live in the same area, probably shop at the mall you work..... What store would I possibly run into you at? That way, I can come up and say hi without feeling all weird about it.....

  4. Are you and Mister RH going to move in together? Do you plan on ever moving out of your dad's place? Are you sure you didn't buy the gift card and then turn around and spend it?

    I am in NEED of a Sarah shopping post, even if it's a wish list. lol

  5. I wish target would sponsor my life too! If you and Mister RH were to get married (are you blushing yet?!) where would your IDEAL wedding locale be?

  6. This is an odd list of questions... What is your dream job? If you could live anywhere, where would it be? What is your all-time favorite movie?

  7. When are you and Mr. RH getting married? Do you have a timeline? Have you talked about wedding, babies, and all the biz about your future? I wanna know :P I'm nosy huh? LOL!

  8. I have to say that Mr. RH has great hair. Do you prefer it long or short?

  9. If money was no object, what clothing and shoe store would you shop in? And you talk about Mr. RH's new apartment, so does that mean you might be moving in there one of these days?

  10. When do you think the rig is going to come ;) ???

  11. Got one! So how many nights a week do you and Mr. RH have "sleepovers"? (You totally take me back to my pre-children, dating hubby days. Enjoy it!!!)

  12. Gosh, I am trying to think of a good question that could be awkward. When was your first kiss? What has been the most awkward/funny moment between you and Mr. RH?

  13. When you get married, do you plan to DIY most of it? I love DIY weddings! Have a great weekend!

  14. long will you make it after your wedding before you two take off to do the do?

    And a little less scandalous, what do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of meeting the love of your life, graduating, etc?

  15. Do you know how many kids you want? Have your and Mr. RH talked about? When/if you do have kids, do you want to be a stay at home mom?

  16. Did you ever get waxed?

  17. all these questions are so good and mine is lame but what is your favorite summer item?

  18. Do you think you and Mr. RH are going to tie the knot anytime soon? What kind of engagement ring do you want if/when you do get engaged?? :)

    Love the prize!!!!

  19. If we reviewed your bank statement, what charge would we see most often? What's the most embarrassing show you watch on TV? How much money would someone have to pay you so that you'd never shop at Target again?

  20. whats your favorite show? what is your best shopping bargain? What is your favorite thing from Target?:)

  21. I've noticed you buy a lot from Forever 21. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's where you work. Would I be correct?

  22. When are you getting married and can I plan your wedding? Ha

  23. Do you want to stay at your current job for a long time? I used to work retail and I didn't think I could ever do it for more than a few years! Just wondering your thoughts :)

  24. What's the most scandalous thing you & Mr. RH have done? How does your Dad feel about sleep-overs?

  25. hmm let's see: what is your favorite nail polish color?

  26. i don't know if ever asked you this- it's my go-to question for posts like this.. have you ever thrown up in public?

  27. All these questions are hilarious so far... My question is how do you and Mr RH find time to the deed when you are living with your dad?

  28. IF blogging was taken away from you what else would you be doing during that time? Number one thing blogging has brought to your life?

  29. I think you've mentioned Mr. RH is in school. What does he want to do after he graduates?

    Also, will you ever reveal his real first name on your blog?

  30. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your days you'd choose what?

  31. Do you and Mr. RH plan on moving in together soon??

  32. What is your favorite blog? (Besides your own, of course:-)

  33. Ohhh Lord....I hope anonymous wins with that question!

    Ha! question...hmmmmmm.....

    How do you feel like your family is holding up without your mom? Has "normal" returned? Will it ever? Are your dad and brother as strong as you (seem to be ;))?

    Ok, I'm sorry for the multiple questions - and for their downer-ness. I think and pray for you and your family a lot and I hope the answer to the questions above are YES YES YES - and then I'm going to ask for your secrets and tips!

  34. If you woke up tomorrow with an unlimited supply of cash and nothing to do for the next 3 days, what would you do? Your unlimited cash supply is ONLY available for those 3 days.

  35. OK, my question(s)... What did you go to school for, and what is your ultimate career goal?

  36. Ok I want to know --

    1) What is your BF's name!?
    2) Where do you work?

    :) I haven't commented in a while, but I still read your blog!

  37. What is your opinion on living together before marriage? :-)

  38. What's your favorite thing to buy at Target? Anything you wouldn't buy from there?

  39. Ok, here's my question....

    I notice you buy a lot of stuff online, and then you try it on once you get it, you don't love it, so you think about returning it. Do you really return it all? And what reason do you give for the return? I am terrible about returning, and I always feel so guilty when they ask "was anything wrong with it?" I feel like you should do a post on store returns 101!

  40. My go to question for these things is always the same....

    If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be and why?

    and just for fun...

    If you had to give up ALL of your shoes save for 2 pairs (say one comfy/every day, one dressy) - which two pairs would you keep?

  41. When do you find time to read? I love to read (and I believe you do too) but never seem to find enough time to read all the books I have on my TBR list. I easily get distracted by the Real Housewives series or the Internet. So my question to you - how do you avoid all the daily distractions to read so much?!! Share your secrets!

  42. What is the furthest south you've ever been?

    Have you ever been to New Orleans? If not, what would you look forward to on a visit the most?

  43. What is your weirdest eating habit?? LOL....mine, I eat all my sides from least fav to most. I know, strange, haha.


  44. Am I too late? I have been a sucky blog reader & commenter lately.


    Your worst fashion faux pas...what was it?
