Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blogger's Block, TV Hog

I can't write lately.  Every time I sit down at the computer, there are 99 other things that seem more important.  Like planning something for dinner.  Or watering my plants.  Or doing the 98th load of laundry.  Or dealing with the never-ending pile of receipts and paperwork that, even on my best days, overwhelm me. 

So, that being said, things have been mighty boring around these parts.  And it's super-duper disappointing to me.  I miss this place.

  • Can we talk about Desperate Housewives for a second?  I have watched that show since the first first second.  I know that it's really jumped the shark and that it's been almost awful in the past couple of years.... but I was still sad to see it go.  I bawled for at least 15 minutes of the finale.  And I'm glad it didn't go out with a bang.  It would have been Too Much.
  • Anybody else still watching Smash??  I love love Katherine McPhee, but I'm surprised how much I'm falling in love with Ivy (Megan Hilty).  Either way, I'm ready for next season!!  Finally, NBC has a "hit" on their hands.
  • Speaking of NBC... wtf did they do to Harry's Law??  I mean, I just loved that show and Kathy Bates is amazing.  NBC... stop committing crimes against television.  It pains my TV lover's heart.
  • Grey's Anatomy.  I fell off the bandwagon once Mr. RH and I started dating.  There just wasn't enough time for all my shows, and it conflicted with so many other DVR shows that it just wasn't worth it.  I haven't seen anything since the last season finale.  And I see everyone's tweets on Thursday night and I really miss it.  I hope this season will be out on DVD before next season starts so I can catch up.
Ok, feel free to NOT tell me how much my blog sucks lately.  I'm soo aware of it.


  1. I am obsessed with Greys. The finale this week is going to be a tear jerker.

  2. Girl, do I feel ya on the lack of blogging front. Being in love just takes up waayyyyy too much time. :) But I love checking in with your blog, even if it has been awhile,so keep up the posting, even if it is sporadic!


  3. I feel ya girl, I think we all catch a bit of writer's block every now and again :)

  4. I agree 110% on Desperate Housewives! The last few seasons hadn't been too great, but I really did enjoy this season, and loved the finale. I really loved how they flashed forward to show everyone's future. For awhile there I thought they might all end up in jail for the finale, so I was pleasantly surprised everything worked out. Can we just talk about all of the ghosts they showed at the end though? I'd forgotten about so many of those people, and looked it up afterward (I'm a dork) and 57 people in all were killed on DH!
