Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Almost A Year

Just about a year ago, a guy walked into my store and into my heart a couple of days later.

I've been trying to wrap my brain around this fact for a couple of weeks now, but it's just impossible.

I feel like this is the first anniversary I've ever celebrated.... and thus have no clue how to handle anything.  How do you celebrate??  What's the best way to thank someone for coming into your life?

Have I mentioned before that I am truly the WORST gift-giver?  I can go one of two ways - something completely dumb and unnecessary and frivolous - or something completely practical.  With Mr. RH, I feel like I tend to go practical.  New clothes, something for his apartment, etc etc etc.

So, within the week I have Mr. RH's birthday and our first anniversary to celebrate.  Excuse me while I lose my mind.

Who are those kids??

In all seriousness.... anybody have any fun anniversary ideas?  We have some tentative plans for Mr. RH's actual birthday - it's also his sister's first wedding anniversary, so we will be doing something fun with them.

As for the anniversary... looks like I'm on my own for that one.  And I have nary a clue of how it would be appropriate to celebrate.

Tips?  Tricks?  Grand ideas?

Any and all fun romantic anniversary stories would be appreciated.


  1. Happy 1 year! So exciting, I love a great love story :)

    Tip/Tricks: for my 1 year I did a collection of small things that had a lot of meaning. Some had significance to certain memorable dates or events.

    Let us know what you decide and have a great day!

  2. I just had my 1 year anniversary, too. My boyfriend is in your same position, we celebrated our anniversary last weekend and my birthday is next week! As far as ideas go, I got my boyfriend a new grill and he made me a headboard. And we celebrated by going to Six Flags since I'd been wanting to go for forver. I'm sure he'll be happy with anything you give him or plan!

  3. Happy anniversary! I have no fun ideas....maybe plan a romantic date? Or go to a concert? Sorry, I'm zero help!

  4. Congratulations :) Usually we celebrate by going somewhere -- concert, beach trip, bar crawl.

  5. such a cute picture :)

    I am horrible at gift giving too, but I thought the six flags idea was cute. maybe something like that.

  6. I can't believe it has been a year already. For our first year dating anniversary we re-created our first date!

  7. I can't it's already been a year!!! You guys are so cute and I'm so thankful he's brought so much joy to your life!!

  8. I think I gave him tickets to a football game he wanted to see. Can't go wrong with concert or sporting event tickets!

  9. Yay on a year!! ya'll are seriously the cutest couple! As far as date ideas, I don't know...but re-creating some of your favorite date spots or memories is always fun to do-over :)

  10. I have no idea what we did for our first dating anniversary--probably nothing, we were 7 hours apart. Our first wedding anniversary, we had a rooftop picnic. Really I like to keep it simple--a lot of my favorite dates have had something to do with Whole Foods (home of the rooftop picnic in Austin). Either there, or if you don't have a WF or something similar, a wine/cheese shop would work--sometimes we'll taste cheese to pair with the wine or champagne and then take it home and have a picnic in bed, other times we'll make a little basket full of goodies for a "European" picnic (wine, cheese, prosciutto, French bread, olives) and go watch the sunset from a high point in town, sometimes it's just some fruit and pita chips and hummus to take to the park. I prefer picnics to eating out for sentimental dates because there's no rush and no one waiting on you to order/leave. We did gifts--sometimes pretty expensive ones--while we were dating, but now we try to share experiences/make memories. Each year for our anniversary we go to a nearby wine town and do a few winery tours instead of a fancy dinner (see the Whole Foods picnic :) . For other occasions we'll sometimes end up in San Antonio or on the Texas coast. You'll have a wonderful time whatever you decide to do!

  11. Happy anniversary! Just do something fun to enjoy your time together! That's always my favorite thing!

  12. What a fun time. I am so happy for you in finding your true love. Our 1 yr dating anniversary was very lackluster. We had dinner and had very low key gifts. I'm sure anything you choose to do together will be wonderful! XO

  13. Happy Happy 1 year and you are so cute together. First year is typically paper but I am sure you will come up with something fabulous!!

  14. I like Brittany idea of creating a memory. And Happy Anniversaryt!

  15. can't believe it's been a year!! i too am an awful gift giver, so i'm no help! i'm sure you'll think of something great!

  16. Happy anniversary! We'll be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary on June 25th. The husband is taking the day off of work and we're heading to Bloomington (where we met, dated, got engaged, and married). It seems fitting to go back there to celebrate the day. My advice would be to do something that you both like. It doesn't have to be fancy and expensive. I don't have a gift suggestion, seeing as I've yet to get my guy a 1st anniversary gift yet.

  17. for our first dating anniversary, i got him a zippo lighter (he's big into cigars), with the date engraved on it, and a little message. practical, but also sentimental. he STILL uses it...and our 3rd wedding anniversary is in october =) so maybe something like that...a watch, with a message on it?

  18. What about taking a deck of cards and creating a book of 52 reasons you love him? Google it. They are super cute!

  19. Our dating anniversary was right before Christmas. Blah.

    Boys are tough to buy for. How about cooking him a great meal? Good food. Good wine. Good time. ;)

    My husband always likes it when I buy him sexy underwear for me to wear. hahahaha.
