Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wine Wednesday: Belated NYE

This week's Wine Wednesday is courtesy of the NYE stomach flu (ahem, Mr. RH) and a lazy evening on the couch.

I know, you are shocked I am such a party animal.

We tasted some of this which has, I thought, a lot of  great recommendations going for it. But.....meh.

Maybe I was just exhausted, but it wasn't really all I had built it up to be.  It was just OK.

Mr. RH, who is more a fan of a friuty frozen margarita, was not impressed.

No worries, I grabbed at least 1 more bottle of champagne for aborted NYE plans.  I'll give you the full report later.

Happy Wine Wednesday!

What are YOU drinking?


  1. Hello - & happy new year! I have been reading your blog for a wee while and just wanted to say I have enjoyed feeling like I've come to know you (eugh, vile overtones, but true nonetheless, is there ever a way to de-lurk that does not appear completely creepy? Promise I am nice and not stalky). Also, champagne is a topic near and dear to my heart :)

    Happy NY to you and Mr RH, may he come to love the bubbles for the supertastytreat that they are!

  2. Your man loves margaritas? I like him more and more each day! :)

  3. Oh, how I miss wine... I've never been a huge fan of Moscato, but in the summer it was growing on me a bit. Ice cold Chardonnay is more my speed :)

  4. I had this at a party last year but it wasn't my favorite either. Try it in other brands though. Can't remember the one we had for New Years but it was much better than the Barefoot one.

    P.S. Any guy that likes margaritas is a keeper. Just ask my husband. :)

  5. Oh my goodness YUMM! Barefoot has great wines but never tried that one!
