Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like November

As I sit here staring at my calender I feel like I can't fully accept that it's November 1st.  There are still so many October things I never took advantage of.  I never got a hay ride!

Which is why, this month, I'm planning ahead early.  I'm beginning my Christmas shopping list and Christmas wish list... soonish.  Not today, because I'm off and slightly under the weather and I need to stare at the TV for a few hours to start feeling like myself again.

I think we can all agree that turkey is delicious and November is a nice month... but I tend to view November as the gradual ramp that elevates me into the Christmas season.  And because I work in retail.... Christmas started yesterday.

I was at Target yesterday and made the decision for my offficial Christmas CD of the season.  I hope that we can all agree that this year's pick is probably going to be 95% better than last year's pick.  

This year's pick?

Michael Buble Christmas

Are there people out there in the world who do not like Michael Buble?  Cause if so.... I don't want to know where they are hiding.  Probably somewhere very dark and twisty.

A couple of notes:
  • Do you like my raggady-ass chipped manicure?  It's a gel mani (my first!) but is over 2 weeks old.  I think I'm treating myself to another today or tomorrow.
  • I never buy CDs anymore - except Christmas CDs.  Why is that?  I have no idea.  I think it's because I can remember sitting with my mom in our old entertainment cabinet and pulling out the box of Christmas CDs when I was younger.  It's just nice to have CDs in some cases.  
  • Oh Michael Buble.  Let's hang out sometime?  I promise not to throw my panties at you.  At least until I introduce myself.
Any other amazing Christmas albums coming out that I should know about?  I'd hate to miss out on anything because I was out of the loop!

Happy November 1st! 


  1. I NEED to get that CD! I'm going to be really honest here and admit that I've been listening to Christmas music on Pandora around the house for a week or two (or three). The Michael Buble Holiday station has been getting lots of action already :) Do you know/like She and Him? They released a Christmas CD this year. I haven't heard it yet but I would assume it should be good! Last year I listed to the Glee Christmas CD a ton. Not a big glee fan, but it is a good CD.

    My favorite old school Christmas CDs? Harry Connick Jr, Mariah Carey, and Boyz II Men.

  2. By the way... just went to see when those CDs were released just to see how sad it actually is... Harry Connick Jr= 1993. Mariah Carey = 1994. Boyz II Men= 1993. Ouch.

  3. oh how I love christmas music! I so need this cd!

  4. LOVE buble! the only christmas cd i have is the chipmunks :)

  5. Michael is da man! Gotta get that CD asap :) And I love listening to the Christmas station on the radio which usually starts before Thanksgiving. How's that for old school?! Listening to the radio?!

  6. I wanna buy that cd so bad! I haven't bought a Christmas cd in a long time because of good old iTunes.

  7. I'm there with you - the only CDs I purchase are Christmas ones and they usually hang out in my car year 'round. I ordered the Buble CD from Amazon yesterday, so still waiting on mine, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing but awesome.
    Also, I can make no such promise to Buble. But I'll try.

  8. You can't go wrong with Michael Buble. I think I'll look for that one myself.

  9. I love November! It's my utmost favorite month- but I think I am a little biast because its my bday month! ;)

    I am having my first ever blog giveaway! Please stop by and check it out! :)

  10. I don't think I could ever get enough Buble.

  11. Love Michael Buble! Can't wait to listen to the CD!

  12. I haven't bought Christmas CDs in a while but I'm thinking of downloading his album now that you mention it. I'm sure his renditions are amazing!

  13. I can't stop listening to that album too! I love every single song.

    I am a Christmas nut so I love this post-yay for Christmas!

    Best wishes and happy November,

  14. Christmas CDs are the best. And it's never too early to start playing them.

    P.S. VERY cute pic of you and RH below. :P

  15. I love Christmas CD's too! I am really excited about getting Buble's album, and I also am a little excited about the Boys II Men and Justin Beiber album too...is that weird?

    I could listen to holiday music all year long.
