Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

For the past month, I have been rocking the most unbelievably ratty hair.  The more I fretted about it, the more unavailable I was for an appointment with my hair guru.

The thing is, my hair hasn't had a decent cut since.... probably last year.  2010.  I've been letting it grow long for unknown reasons, really.

And then there were the roots.  A solid inch of love-love-lovely dirty blonde peeking out from the scalp.

I tell you, it's amazing how long I can ignore and sidestep routine hair care.

I got to the stylist this week and told her to chop it all off.  "All" being a relative term that means "I live in ponytails, so watch yourself."

I have reached the point in life where Mr. RH has become my photography assistant.  I'm telling you.... a photography assistant who tells you how beautiful you are every 2 seconds is worth his weight in gold.

He took the photo on the left.... and then I was left to my own devices at 10 pm to get the photo on the right.  Oops.

I'm 5 inches lighter and much more blonde.  Hellloooo, sassy.

It's day 2 post chop.  WHERE DID MY HAIR GO?  What do you think?


  1. Love it! You look gorgeous!

  2. Hooray for getting your hair done!!! I've been debating highlights for some time now. I'm not sure if I'd keep up with it though and would end up looking like trash.

    Your hair looks wonderful!

  3. I love! I'm going to the hair dresser on Saturday and have been looking for hair-spiration all over.

  4. Like the haircut, but you really need to learn a cuter smile. You are a cute shouldn't look constipated in these and your Twitter picture!

  5. Really love the hair Sarah! And, I have to say, I completely disagree with 'Anonymous'!!! I think you have an extraordinarily cute smile and I beg you not to change it.

    The haircut itself is inspiring me to go sort out my ragged long hair!

  6. I love getting my hair freshly cut. It just puts a little pep in my step. And the highlights look great! :)

  7. What a fun cut! It always feel so strange after taking so much off but you look really cute.

  8. I just did the same thing! I cut off nearly 9 inches! It felt so good. Love the cut!

  9. I approve!

    Also, thank you for that dry shampoo idea; I'm going to try the Psssst on my still-too-long locks.

  10. Love the cut.
    And you've trained him well on the photography, love. :)

  11. you look so cute! yay for your photography assistant, I love reading your updates and tweets (though I am super blog and twitter behind), makes me smile :). I just got my hair done today and took very similar before and after pics! ;)

  12. I really like it!

    Wait. Did someone just say you looked constipated? OMG. You soooo do NOT! How rude!
