Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I know, I know. I totally dropped off the planet after my last post.

In my defense, I have been completely losing my mind at work, plus.. oh, you know, falling in love and stuff. So forgive me if I just can't muster up the energy to snuggle up to my laptop.

Plus, it's like 343 degrees outside and it's just too hot to cuddle my laptop. Truth.

Anyways, I went to Hawaii. Which, FYI, for those of you more intelligent than me, is 6 time zones away from EST currently. Which was good to know. Cause I totally thought it was 4.

Moving along.

I took more than a thousand pictures on this trip and I have noooo freaking clue how I'm supposed to narrow them down and post them for you... but I'll try. Because I'm awesome.

And just to clarify, because people on twitter are funny, I went on this trip with my family. NOT Mr. RH. Although he was 100% supremely jealous and is now promising me another trip to Hawaii someday. But not two weeks ago.

So, without further ado, here are some of my general Hawaii pics. The crazy thing is (to me anyway) that I haven't edited these photos at all. Hawaii is just that stunning.

The View from The Beach Club
Lava Rocks in the Ocean

Giant Turtles!
And yes, I really was a foot away from that turtle. It was CRAZY!

Of course, I was in Hawaii so how could I not pretend to be an extra on the set of LOST. Look, I found the Dharma Initiative van!
And yes, that might be the only photo of me from vacation. At least the only one of me not in a swimsuit.

That's the crappy part about taking photos. Never being in any.

And last but not least: Hawaiian Sunsets.

Even better than you imagined them.

Did you know the sun sets crazy-early in Hawaii? Which explains why by 9 pm each night I was extremely ready to pass out. Because I'm awesome and lame.

Lots and lots more of my Hawaii recaps to come... lucky you!!

So glad to be back to blogging (finally!). I've missed you all SO MUCH!


  1. The Dharma van!!! LOVE it :)

    You have been so missed in blog/twitter world. Glad you're back, but boo for work and a million degree weather!

  2. Ugh, your pictures make me sick. I want to go on vacation. Yesterday. Very jealous of your island paradise getaway!

  3. I miss Hawaii so, so much! I haven't been back since I moved from Honolulu to Virginia when I was 8! :( I still have family there and Adam & I joke constantly about selling our things just to move there. Trust me, the thought is very, very tempting. ;)

    Can't wait to see more pics...I'm glad you had a great time on vacay with your family!!

  4. What an incredible trip! I want to see more pictures!

  5. Nice post! Nice pics!
    Wonderful!! :D

  6. Love all of your comedy in the beginning of this post.. haha!

    Those pictures are gorgeous! I'm insanely jealous!!

  7. Your photos are stunning! Glad you had an awesome time -- sounds so fun and relaxing. And yes, love the "LOST" photo too!

  8. It looks so gorgeous!!! And I need to visit Hawaii, as soon as possible.

  9. Love your Hawaii photos...especially the sunset shots you took...& the one through the hammock lines is amazing! And even if it was your only photo of you, it was a cute one :o) Sounds like you all had a great time!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  10. Nice to have you back! Love the pictures... I understand what you mean about it being crazy that you havent editted them... they look like they are from a magazine or something! Maybe you are just awesome with a camera? :)

  11. Oh my goodness that turtle, I once had the scariest encounter with a turtle in Hawaii. It won, hehe!
